The architectures

1968. The first Lettrist architecture. Alain Satié was one of the first Lettrists to extend and to transform architecture into original artistic creations. Numerous plans, mock-ups and creations were always very elaborate, always fully-developed - plans for new cities, constructed for commercial as well as residential use, model farms with greenhouses included, areas for playgrounds and schools, and decorated facades, etc. - combining architectonic functions, both practical and esthetic, confirming his desire to annex the utilitarian and the day-to-day into the most sublime art.

In 1988, he organized the show 20 Years of Lettrist Architecture at the Lecointre and Ozanne Gallery. The entire collection is now in the Getty Museum in Los Angeles.

Architecture excoordisteProjet de jeux d'enfants pour square et écoleTour aux formes qui se complètesMur, habitat supertemporelProjet de ville nouvelleProjet de complexe commercialPour une poignée de lettres
Alain Satié : Architecture excoordiste
Architecture excoordiste - 1992 (carton, moteur électrique et lumière) 60 x Ø15 cm
Présentée en 1992 à la Galerie de Paris (Paris) : Introduction à l'excoordisme
Reproduite en 1992 in L'excoordisme plastique, Publications art, vidéo, cinéma
Reproduite in Manifeste pour la rénovation de l'architecture, Publications art, vidéo, cinéma